MA in English Adolescent Education

The English Adolescence Education Masters is designed for students who wish to pursue secondary school teaching in English. The program is not for individuals who already have initial or provisional certification in the teaching of English. Those who have already received provisional certification should apply for the MA in Literature, Language and Theory. (With the approval of the English Department advisor, such students may take 3 or 6 credits of course work in advanced courses from the Adolescence Education sequence.) 

A new version of our program was recently instituted. For prospective students and currently enrolled students who will be transitioning into the new program (more information will be available about this by the Fall), the requirements are as follows:

In addition to taking required credits in the Department of Education, students in the MA English Adolescent Education program must complete 18 credits of English courses, including

  • ENGL 61500– Rhetoric and Composition
  • ENGL 70900– Teaching Multilingual Learners in ELA Classrooms
  • One 3 credit course on pre-1800 literature
  • One 3 credit course on African and Asian Diasporic, Indigenous, Latinx, and minority American literature
  • 6 credits of ENGL electives

Admission Requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of at least 3.0.​
  2. A minimum of 21 credits of advanced courses in British, American or World Literature written in English (no more than 3 credits of the latter).
  3. General education core in the liberal arts and sciences to include: artistic expression; communication; information retrieval; concepts in history and social sciences; humanities; a language other than English; scientific and mathematical processes; and written analysis and expression.
  4. Students must submit a writing sample of about 10 pages (preferably an undergraduate research paper of literary criticism).
  5. Two references (preferably including at least one academic reference).
  6. A personal statement.
  7. Submission of official score report on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) , except applicants who are certified teachers or school administrators and hold a graduate degree.

For those enrolled in the current program graduating under the current catalogue, the requirements are as follows:

  • 18 credits in literature given by the Department of English; of these, 3 credits must be in Shakespeare, 3 credits in American literature, and 3 credits in literature with a multicultural emphasis.
  • 3 credits in English Linguistics (ENGL 607).
  • 3 credits in Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 615).
  • Passing a comprehensive examination that requires reflection and synthesis of previous coursework (the specific prompt is announced each semester on the English MA Blackboard site).
  • Graduate course requirements in Education (22-24 credits). See the School of Education for details.

For more information, please contact the Graduate Advisor, Professor Janet Neary.

Office:1204 HW
Phone: (212) 772-4039